The Changing Marriage Landscape: Appreciating Your Local Divorce Law Firm in Toms River, NJ

There are two primary factors driving the recent surge in the number of divorce filings from coast to coast.
First of all, the ostensible gray divorce, which denotes a legal separation after the age of 50, has more than doubled since the early 1990s. Secondly, the Pew Research Center has reported that less than 10% of 18-24 year olds are tying the matrimonial knot nowadays, which is substantially lower than the 45% figure reported back in 1960.
As such, marriage isn’t nearly as popular as it used to be, and the frequency of divorce filings amongst the older generation is picking up steam in a big way, which explains why your local divorce law firm in Toms River, NJ is tasked with handling a disproportionate amount of marital separations.
Why Are People Getting Divorced in Today’s Day and Age?
As any reputable divorce law firm will tell you, there are a seemingly infinite number of flashpoints and crossroads that trigger divorce proceedings, but psychologists were recently able to compartmentalize the most common reasons, which are listed below:
1. Faithlessness, betrayal, and adultery
2. Unmet expectations with regard to financial wealth or property ownership
3. Fleeting intimacy and long stretches of little or no physical contact
4. Disingenuous or shallow disputes, especially with regard to weight gain and attractiveness
5. Violent abuse, physical assaults, or emotional mistreatment
If you’re struggling with any of these animosities or incompatibilities, you owe it to yourself to book an introductory conversation with a respected divorce law firm as soon as possible.
Obtaining Candid Advice and Honest Support
In as little as one sit-down with a compassionate specialist from your local divorce law firm, you’ll be able to outline the specifics of your unique problems and attain an intricate legal analysis regarding how a separation would affect your future.
So if you’d like to get details on how to arrange a fee-free dialogue with a seasoned expert, be sure to click on the link to visit the landing page of your neighborhood legal team in the near future.