A Law Firm in Vermont Explains Drunk Driving Penalties by Offense

Anyone charged with DUI in the state needs to contact a law firm in Vermont immediately. The laws regarding this crime are very strict and come with severe penalties. As a person is risking the loss of their freedom, along with many other things, retaining a lawyer cannot happen too quickly. Following are the penalties for first time offenders and those who are charged with this crime more than once.

For a first drunk driving arrest and conviction in the state of Vermont, an individual will have their license suspended for a period of 90 days. The court also requires them to take part in an alcohol and driving education program before getting their license back. This charge also comes with up to two years in jail or a $750 fine and the convicted individual must take part in a drug or alcohol screening program. The court may also impose other penalties.

Second Offense

Individuals convicted of a second DUI in Vermont may be incarcerated for a period of up to two years or be required to pay a fine of up to $1,500. Those who opt to take part in a residential alcohol rehabilitation program will find they receive credit for time served while in the facility.

Furthermore, the judge may require 200 hours of community service, and the individual may find their license suspended for anywhere up to 18 months. Finally, the court may demand the vehicle used to commit the crime is immobilized and all convicted of the crime for a second time must successfully complete an alcohol and driving rehabilitation program.

Third Offense

With a third conviction for DUI in Vermont, drivers risk losing their license permanently. In addition, they may be imprisoned for five years and face a fine as high as $2,500. Four hundred hours of community service must be complete, and the individual must spend a minimum of 100 hours behind bars. As with a second offense, time spent in a residential treatment facility may count as time served. In addition, the court may demand the vehicle used in the crime be immobilized here also.

Contact a law firm in Vermont today for help with a DUI charge. Visit website to learn more about why doing so is critical. Too much is on the line to try to defend this charge alone.