How a Divorce Lawyer in Mequon, WI Can Help You

In divorce proceedings, the state of Wisconsin imposes certain limitations; first, the couple cannot use fault-based grounds for the divorce; while the process doesn’t require both parties to complete, the divorce grounds must be listed as irretrievable breakdown of the marriage. A divorce lawyer in Mequon, WI helps petitioners complete the initial requirements for filing a motion for this action.

Filing the Initial Motion

Married couples may end their marriage by filing a joint petition; however, if the couple is unable to do so, a plaintiff may file on their own. The restrictions for a divorce in the state require the couple to live apart for at least one year prior to filing.

After the delivery of the summons each party must wait at least one hundred and twenty days before any further action by the court. This is the required waiting period for all divorces and it includes petitions that are filed jointly, allowing the chance of reconciliation with court-based difficulty if the couple chooses to stop the divorce.

Reviewing the Divorce Agreement

After the summons is received, the defendant has the right to contest the divorce. If they agree with the terms of the divorce, they may sign the documents and return them, but if they don’t, they should hire an attorney to contest the divorce.

What Options Are Available Once the Divorce Is Contested

The attorneys negotiate the wishes of their clients; if they can find an agreement through these measures, the case proceeds and the judge signs off on the final decree. However, if a resolution isn’t found the next step is to attend mediation, which requires both parties to enter a meeting to discuss the terms. The most common issues addressed in mediation is child custody and property division.

In Wisconsin, divorce petitioners must follow specific guidelines that call for them to meet residency and separation requirements. Joint proceedings don’t require a separation of twelve months. Any parties that are facing difficulty in agreeing to the divorce terms may need to attend mediation. Petitioners who are ready to file should contact a divorce lawyer in Mequon, WI at Fraker Law Firm S.C.