Concepts Managed By A Labor Laws Attorney

In Louisiana, federal laws apply to wage and hour concepts. Employers are required to provide wages to their employees based on the pay scale presented when they were hired. They cannot lower the worker’s pay or falsify documents to equate to a lower wage. This equates to a violation of federal laws. A Labor Laws Attorney provides workers with a legal avenue when they discover any unethical practices associated with their wages.

Laws For Time and A Half Time

Federal laws apply to any overtime hours worked by the employees. According to federal laws, any hours beyond the standard forty-hour work week are considered overtime. Under the laws, the employer must pay the worker time and a half time for each hour over forty hours. If they fail to provide this compensation, the employer is in violation of federal laws.

Falsifying Time Sheets and Hours Worked

Employers who falsify time sheets to modify the hours that an employee worked is also in violation of the law. A common reason that employers conduct this unethical practice is to secure bonuses through their home company. If an employee discovers that the employer modified their time sheets, they must report the employer.

Fair Pay Rights

Employers must provide the same salary for all workers who perform a specific job function. They cannot lower the salary based on any discriminatory practices. They must provide the same starting pay for all employees regardless of their race, gender, religion, or sexual orientation.

Denial of Work Based on Discrimination

An employer cannot deny work to any employee based on any discriminatory practices. They must present the same opportunities for each worker. For example, if overtime hours are available, they must provide the opportunity to all workers within a specific department. They cannot deny the hours based on any personal belief.

In Louisiana, federal laws apply to all wages earned by workers. Employers cannot deny overtime pay when a worker has earned it. They cannot modify time sheets to acquire bonuses. The employers cannot follow any discriminatory practices that deny qualified workers access to additional working hours. Employees that believe they have a case can contact a Labor Laws Attorney by visiting right now.