Reasons Why You Need An Accident Attorney In Suffolk County NY
All New York accident victims have a two year window in which to file a lawsuit against the individual that caused their accident. This window of time allows them to takes measures to attempt to file a claim through the offender’s automobile insurance policy first. When this is unsuccessful, they should take the initiative to file a claim through the county court for their injuries. If you need to file a personal injury claim today, you should contact an Accident Attorney in Suffolk County NY to schedule a consultation.
Accidents In Suffolk County
The state of New York requires all drivers to maintain at least the minimum liability insurance for their automobiles to cover expenses associated with an accident. This insurance should cover the full cost of medical bills and auto repair services required by the victim. Any failure to comply with these insurance laws and the driver could suffer the consequences which include license suspension and suspension of their vehicle registration.
In civil cases, this could include the need for hefty compensation awarded to the victim based on the evidence presented. If a DUI was the original source of the accident, further criminal charges will apply and the driver is subject to fines applied. However, if a fatality occurs as a result of a DUI-based accident, the driver could face manslaughter charges as well. Through civil court, the victim or their family has the legal right to seek compensation through either a personal injury or wrongful death claim.
Shared Fault
New York laws allow for the shared fault ruling in which the victim is accused of sharing the fault of the accident. In these cases, the defendant can redirect blame against the victim. If it is determined that the victim shared any fault in this accident, the proposed settlement is reduced according to the percentage assigned for blame.
Personal injury attorneys help with claims against individuals that ultimately caused your injuries. These individuals must prove that they didn’t cause the accident in order to avoid providing you with compensation. If you were injured due to the fault of another, you can hire an Accident Attorney in Suffolk County NY through The Law Offices of Mark T. Freeley today.