Facing Charges From a Recent Drug-related Arrest? Why a Drug Crime Lawyer Is the First Call to Make

Despite the decision by many states over the past few years to make marijuana either legal or legal for medicinal use, drug crime arrests and convictions have not declined. There is still a huge problem with drug sales and use in the United States that the legal system has not been able to deter. In an attempt to prevent people from turning to this lifestyle, the penalties for being caught using or selling drugs of any type are severe. Without legal representation, the average person charged with a drug crime could spend a great deal of time in jail.

On average, people found guilty of drug trafficking were sentenced to five years in prison for a first offense. Anyone with a record of any kind could face much stiffer penalties. Despite the open-mindedness some in government have regarding marijuana, the average sentence in all drug cases has increased by over 50 percent in the last 30 years.

A drug crime lawyer will be able to defend their client and help to prevent a lengthy sentence that could destroy their lives. It is important to be open and honest with the lawyer, so they will have accurate information to work with and build a defense around. This can be difficult for those people who are guilty of their charges, as many who are in the drug culture have a habit of denying what they do. Laws prevent attorneys from discussing what their clients tell them in confidence. It is one of the most important facets of the attorney-client relationship and is taken very seriously by all reputable lawyers. Whatever the circumstances of the case, a drug crime lawyer will work hard to get their client a not-guilty verdict, or at least as minimal a sentence as possible.

Most people do not want to involve their friends and family after a drug-related arrest. Instead of contacting them, check out website to learn more about what a law firm can do to help and how people charged with a crime can find the attorney that will meet their needs. Take drug arrests as seriously as the criminal justice system does and get help as soon as possible.

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