Do Injured Workers Need Workplace Injury Lawyers?

Though workplace injuries can occur in any field, there are some that are more dangerous than others, for example, construction and manufacturing top the list for causing the most injuries per year. To protect injured workers, the law requires employers to supply them with worker’s compensation insurance and, even though this insurance is meant to provide wage replacement and medical coverage, many deserving workers are denied or suffer from long delays. Often, injured workers are only able to receive their benefits after they hire workplace injury lawyers.
When a person files for worker’s compensation, they need to go through several steps, which end up taking an extended period of time and can often be delayed further because of the insurance provider. An injured worker needs to first inform their employer of the injury who will then file the paperwork with the insurance company.
After a brief period of time, the injured worker should be contacted by the insurance company to record a statement and be instructed on which doctor they will need to see. Unfortunately, an injured worker has no choice but to see the doctor that is provided by the insurance company. This doctor will be the one to decide the diagnosis and prognosis so this information can be given to the insurance company to determine whether or not the injured worker will be approved for benefits.
The workplace injury lawyers will work with their client to help them get the benefits they are entitled to under the law. Preparing for the statement and reviewing any letters or documents before they are signed can be beneficial for the injured worker. If the worker’s claim is unfairly denied, the lawyer has the option for filing an appeal and helping his client further pursue compensation benefits.
Those who have been dealing with a worker’s compensation claim and feel they are being given the runaround can find help to receive the benefits they deserve for their injuries through a lawyer who has 30 years of experience.. Through the help of a lawyer, a person can have the help they need to receive the benefits they deserve for their injuries.