Swimming In Bills Or Need Legal Help? Law Services In Garden City KS Can Help

If bills continue to pile up but the money just isn’t coming in to pay them, it’s time to consider bankruptcy. Bankruptcy can help eliminate or reduce bills to a more manageable level. Law Services in Garden City KS understand that life events can occur that an individual has no control over. They do not pass judgement when a client needs legal assistance because of mounting bills. If a divorce in the mixture of the bankruptcy, these law services can also help. There are many times when bankruptcy evolves from a divorce. One spouse may not be paying their share of the bills, and the other individual has no other choice to get the bills under control.
What can bankruptcy do? Bankruptcy offers two different types of filings. One form of bankruptcy is Chapter 7 and the other is Chapter 13. Chapter 7 bankruptcy is for an individual that does not have a lot of assets. Chapter 7 can eliminate unsecured debts such as credit cards and medical bills. If an individual’s income is too high for the amount of debt, they will be directed to a Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Chapter 13 allows an individual to restructure their debts and pay a more affordable payment. Chapter 13 allows individuals to keep what they have. Chapter 7 does not let an individual retain any assets because they are not paying for them.
If an individual is in contemplating divorce, Law Services in Garden City KS can give them the legal guidance they need. Filing divorce papers without the assistance of legal help could leave an individual protecting assets or evenly splitting any debts or assets from the marriage. An individual who is a stay-at-home parent could also forfeit the right to spousal support or alimony without proper legal guidance. Child custody and child support can be very legally complicated areas and should only be trusted to an attorney.
The Law Offices of Todd Allison and Sarah Newell have the experience in many areas of law including bankruptcy, divorce and probate. Their many years of experience help to give a client the legal information they need to make an informed decision. You can also visit their Google+ page for more information.